cbdfx brand
cbdfx brand

Where Did It Begin?

CBD FX are by far one of the biggest CBD brands in the world, with almost 200,000 followers on Instagram and a vast product range which is sold all over the globe. But where did they start, how did they grow so rapidly and what makes them stand out over their competitors?

The brand is based in Chatsworth, California. This is the San Fernando Valley area of LA, known for its national parks and recreational area, making it great for outdoor folk. This sense of tranquillity and peacefulness goes along with the nature of CBD, however it certainly doesn’t represent this fast growing and excitable business which is expanding rapidly.

There mission statement is to empower experienced and novice CBD takers by providing them with the best products on the market.

Being a USA based brand, that also means they have to meet strict lab test regulations, which ensures a level of quality, with the lab based in Southern California. The EU does have stricter regulations, so it’s always a test of the products quality and ingredients if it can be sold over here. Well CBD FX is successfully selling across the pond, making great waves over here in the UK.

Product Range

I have been gradually trying the full range of products, it might take me a while to have reviewed all 50 that they sell, but I will make sure to update this page as often as possible!

Berry Chill Shot

berry chill shot

This was the first CBD FX product I got to try and it straight away gave me an insight into the brand, highlighting innovation and creativity, with playful packaging.

Hemp Aloe Vera Face Mask

cbd fx aloe vera mask

It’s a guilty pleasure using sheet masks I have to admit and I found the range by CBD FX incredibly interesting, utilising some great ingredients to really help replenish the skin.

Hemp Charcoal Face Mask

charcoal face mask

Activated charcoal is an amazing tool to extract impurities and excess sebum from the skin, while combined with hemp, this is an amazing sheet mask to detox with.

Lychee Lemon Kiwi Hemp CBD Oil


Incredibly tasty, this CBD oil might not be the strongest option but for those that can’t stand the taste of the unflavoured options, you will have to travel far and wide to find a tastier one.

Purchase From

If you would like to try one of their products then head on through to the CBD FX US website or the UK website.